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- The Etafeni Afterschool Support programme provides holistic support and cares through psychosocial support for children and their families, home visits for vulnerable children and families, nutritional […]
- Get help now > Is this abuse? Abuse happens everywhere Abuse happens in every culture, age, race, nationality and socio-economic level. It happens in both heterosexual and LGBTQ […]
Bank: Standard Bank, Rondebosch
Branch code: 025 009
Swift code: SB ZA ZA JJ
Account holder: Etafeni Day Care Centre Trust
Account number: 071 430 121
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Our Latest Success stories
The Etafeni Centre affects many members of the community including Fit For Life participants, mothers in the Income Generation programme, and volunteers who work at the Centre. Here are some of their stories.
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Our latest News and Events
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